I wish this was what I found but sadly it wasn't... What I found spray painted at the end of our driveway was so foul, so dispictable, so vulgar that I can't even speak it, I shudder to think of it still... Why would anyone do such a thing? After the police came and later the country road dept, it's slightly better but that's an overstatement. The county worker said in his 16 years on the job he's never ever seen anything like it... NICE All day Saturday cars slowed to read it and most likely wonder why we were "gifted" with such vulgarity. We do not think we were the intended recipients of the graffiti... We're nice neighbors! Honestly! There's a young couple across the road who have been having their own little drama going on and we think it was intended for one of them. But I have to say I wouldn't wish this vulgarity and vileness on anyone!
The upside was several of our neighbors came out to show their support and talk it over with us. We had an opportunity to connect and in some cases reconnect with our neighbors that our commuter job lifestyle has inhibited for the last several years. So I'm focusing on that blessing in the midst of the *other* foolishness.
How was your week?
Oh my gosh! Im so sorry that y'all had to deqal with such yuk! Im glad that you turned such ugly into a positive thing...meeting your neighbors and bonding. That may help too cause yall can keep an eye out for one another. I hope they catch the poop mouth that maid the mess. Love ya and hope you days are brighter!
Please excuse the words ....maid. Should be made...guess you know where my mind is..hehe
It certainly sounds like you have been a busy bee at HL!! I would say that is a good thing! Even in this economic crunch people are craafting...probably more!
I can't wait to see Dallas!
I don't know why people do vulgar things like that! Sorry that happened at the end of your driveway and that someone didn't see them so they could be arrested! It is good to bond and know your neighbors so that is a wonderful thing that has come from it.
Oh for the love of Pete, people are just so crazy aren't they! I'm so sorry for the mess that you've been dealing with. Glad the county was able to help out and that your neighbors were there to show their support too. At least there was some positive in the situation.
Can't wait to meet Dallas!
We dont have Hobby Lobbys here in San Diego....we have Michaels, I wish we had a HL here, I have heard great things about them, sorry about the graffiti in your neighborhood...
That was so inspiring, you seeing the positive in such a terrible and vile action of someone else. So glad that you were able to reconnect with you neighbors!
Your post below of your cat in the blinds was too cute! ...made me smile! :) And I love your chicken frame! Now that is one neat idea!
Don't work too hard! :) ~hugs, Rhonda
Oh, I saw you have Duplin Wine listed on your sidebar. Is that the one from NC? If so, it is not far from me! I hear tell, their Christmas red wine is amazing! :)
Kitty, that is just horrible. I do not know why people have to do ugly things like that.
$15 bucks for an AJ 24!!! I paid over 200 bucks for mine. Yes, you got a very good deal. Clean it up, and get the best needles you can find. You may pay 2 bucks a piece for them. Good needles don't break, bend or put holes in your fabric. Also best to only pleat fabric that feels fine to the hand.
I hope that all this makes sense. It is hard to communicate in a paragraph what it took years to learn. But it is not hard.
Hey Miss Kitty! Thanks for the prayers! Lord knows I needed them. Hurry and get that crazy camera fixed. I wanna see what you are up too!! Take care~
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