I am so behind! If anyone has tips on how to manage blogging, work, commuting, home caring, family, friends, crafting, thrifting, decorating, errands, etc please PLEASE comment! I have no idea how some of the bloggers manage to do it all... They must be Wonder Woman! I am not, so here it is October 31st and I'm finally sharing some pictures of my decorations.
Before picture of mantel in dining room...

After a few changes...
A little corner with my scarecrow...
New fall garland I got at a huge discount last year. I've been so anxious to put it up!
I love this detail about our home, having this whatever you call it opening to decorate.
A closer view of the garland, there's even feathers in it! I love those feathers!
On this wall I used to have some old OLD family portraits but decided I needed a change so they are safely tucked under my bed and I hung up this painting instead. Not really my taste but I sort of thought the fields and house fit my harvest theme I had in mind.

I should find some candles for those candlesticks. They were purchased in a Charleston yard sale for a buck. The green handled flatware is from Bi-lo grocery store, fifty cents a piece, the apple ramekins are from WM's Better Homes & Garden Collection and were about $4 each. The leaf plates were found on an end cap at WM for $3 each and of course my black wicker chargers were from my beloved Hobby Lobby Garden 2008 clearance... You don't want to know how much I paid for them!

I have these black wicker book cases in my dining room that I hot glued some fabric to the backs of so I would have a way to display a few things in there since I don't have a china cabinet. Then I made my dining room curtains and the fabric totally doesn't match, this is more of a muted burgandy and my curtains are a rich deep brick-ish red burgandy so I've been debating what to change it to. Any suggestions on color or pattern?

Normally I do a very fussy mantel with lights, loads of garlands, the village tucked in and ribbon galore but this year I went a simplier route due to a severe lack of decorating time.

All you talented tassel makers look away! Look away! My pathetic attempt...